How does your environment shape your life?


We know that the people we spend the most time with influence our lives significantly. 

Similarly, the spaces in which we live, work, learn or play have a tremendous impact on our state of mind, our health, productivity, and ultimately on our quality of life. 

Do you ever think about the way your physical environment can help you enjoy a better life? As builders, we think about this all the time. 

And we are committed to building better spaces that improve people’s quality of life. 

According to Eurostat, Quality of Life (QoL) comprises 9 indicators.

  • Material living conditions 
  • Productive or other main activity
  • Health 
  • Education 
  • Leisure and social interactions 
  • Economic and physical safety 
  • Governance and basic rights 
  • Natural and living environment 
  • The overall experience of life

Housing conditions are part of the first one: Material living conditions.

Moreover, built spaces are essential to a variety of well-being factors:

The spaces we live in have a continuous impact on our health through light, air quality, and layout, to name a few.

Through configuration and purpose, spaces can facilitate relationships, group activities, and ultimately cohesive communities.

If there is one thing we have discovered during the pandemic, it’s the intricate relationship between productivity and space.
Working spaces can improve well-being and productivity through health & safety standards, ergonomics, and functionality.

We know our actions are critical to how the next generations will experience life. In our view, we can build sustainably in at least two ways.

Firstly, by building spaces that will be relevant to the generations to come. Secondly, by being mindful of resources – in today’s context, energy efficiency is probably the best example.

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